Why Target Audience or Buyer Persona is Important for Any Businesses

by Sudipta Mondal
08 Mar 2022 * Reading Time: 3 Minutes

Estimated Read Time: 2 minutes

Buyer personas are incredibly important for market segmentation. They allow you to segment your customers into different groups. Knowing the different motivations and purchasing habits of your customers will allow you to target different groups appropriately for your E-commerce business.

As a Shopify expert and E-commerce Consultant, we will guide you through understanding Why Target Audience or Buyer Persona is Important for any Business.

When creating a buyer persona, you’re essentially creating a personality that embodies a key segment of your audience – and the first step to accomplishing this is to conduct thorough research.

Types and Characteristics of buyers:

Demographic Profile – Customer‘s Age, Gender, Occupation, Income, Location, Marital Status, Family Status, Education, and children.

Psychographic Profile – Customer’s Personality, Lifestyle, Interest and Hobbies, Vales, Traits, and Behavior.

These characteristics of buyers will tell you what are the chances of a successful purchase by this type of buyer.

To craft a persona, you first need to ask yourself in-depth questions – why your products ? how will help? To whom it will help? how it will solve users’ particular problems? about your ideal customers, and this exercise alone will help you notice things you hadn’t before.

“Focusing on the Right Customer can be the game changer for your business” – Sudipta Mondal, Founder of MS Web Designer

You can then use your personas to guide you.

For instance:

Product development can use Buyer Personas when Building Product Roadmaps – Your Personas will help identify and prioritize changes to your offered product based on what your customers need the most.

Helps Marketing Use Buyer Personas to build Effective Strategies – When creating content marketing strategies, for instance, personas are critical. They help to focus keyword research efforts and are used as references when crafting copy. They can also help in the identification and prioritization of promotional activities.

Buyer Personas help Sales Team Build Rapport with Potential Customers. By understanding what the seller is dealing with and coming prepared to address the customer’s concerns, your sales team will be much more effective.

Customer Support Teams Can Use Personas to Better Serve Your Customers. By being trained on the problems your customers are trying to solve, your support team will be able to show more empathy. A little compassion can go a long way when dealing with an angry customer.

Should small businesses concern themselves with building personas?

Having a Buyer persona is important for any seller, large or small. Depending on your target audience, you’ll know where to focus marketing and advertising money. Buyer personas tell you where your business will come from.

Buyer personas are research-based profiles that represent your target audience and can help you know which people to cater to for greater success.
Clarifying the types of people who benefit from your solutions and the challenges you help them solve, is crucial to your efforts to attract and retain customers. You can always visit Hubspot and search for their tool that creates Buyer Personas for you free of charge.

You can also get in touch with us at hello@mswebdesigner.com for further queries. We also conduct website audits for our clients if they ask for them.

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Sudipta Mondal

By Sudipta Mondal

Sudipta Mondal is a technology entrepreneur and a software developer, eCommerce Consultant for International Brand & Shopify Experts and Partner. Having founded his own company ‘MS Web Designer’. Sudipta has been working in the field of startups for more than 15 years now and has established multiple SAAS products with his wife Masum and has helped develop multiple E-commerce brands on Shopify. Together they have served over 1500+ international brands including fortune 500 companies to setup and level up their online business.

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